Tuesday, May 26, 2009


That time of the year is here.
When you get together with friends and family.
Grill out.
And play.

The long weekend was nice. It was great to relax and enjoy a week day as an extra weekend day. In the spirit of Memorial Day Drew and I drove to Ft. Lauderdale, for the day, and indulged in all that comes with the Memorial Day festivities.

We ate lots of food.

We played.

We enjoyed the company of great friends and family!

before we know it.......we are dusting off the cob webs and jumping head first into the goodness of the outdoors. Enjoying the festivities that comes with this season! Can't wait for some more goodness!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Carlene & Eli

My cousin and her husband.
They have so much to give.
They have a true love.
And a strong bond.
Hearts waiting to give more love.

After a long journey they have been blessed with a bundle of joy. I have never seen Carlene and Eli anymore happier than they are at this moment.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Veda Elizabeth Fox

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear Veda
happy birthday to you!!!

Welcome little one.
Little sweet pea.
Sweet as the honey that came from the bee.
We are so glad that you have finally come.
It is a grand day and your adventure has begun!

Congratulations Bradley and Suzanne!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Summer is almost here.

Sunny mornings.
Hot sticky weather.
Cool ocean water.
Endless hours of laying on the beach soaking it all up.


The sky opens up and rain pours down.
The thunder rolls in and the lighting strikes across the dark sky.
The rain pitter-patters on the concrete.
Rain drops cling to the window.
Puddles scatter the ground and wait for little feet to jump in.

Today we went to Lover's Key. Just the two of us. I made up a picnic basket with all sorts of yummy treats. A Tuna sandwich for Drew, a Chicken Salad for me, cheese slices, crackers, chips, fruit, lemonade, and water. This delicious spread of amazing food. It was rather yummy if I do say so myself!

We sat on the beach and enjoyed the weather. Soaked up the sun. Listened to the waves crashing onto the shore. Talked. Enjoyed the company of each other.

As timed passed by, the sunny clouds drifted away and the dark thunder storm clouds rolled in. The ones that bring the good rain. The rain that hits the house so hard that you curl up on the couch and close your eyes. The rain that makes you turn off of your lights and tv and listen to the rain hit the roof, windows, and ground. The kind of rain that makes you just sit and breathe because it gives you a reason to slow down.

After the rain clouds rung their self dry and the sun began to peek through we woke up and took Gigi for a little walk. We had a busy weekend and poor Gigi has been locked up......we felt bad and wanted her to get some energy out. As we walked we watched our shadows guide the way. Just for for we made some shadow shapes..........

what a fun way to end the weekend!

Before we know it.........its that of the year again. That time where we explore the outdoors. We become adventurous. We get out of the house! Summer can't come soon enough- I can't wait for some more sunny morning/rainy afternoon days with Drew.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sugar & Spice

I love planning for events. All of the chaos, creative ideas, homemade gifts, the little touches that pull the theme together. I just love it. Well, as I was going through my pictures last night I came across Suzanne's Baby Shower.

I know, I know its a little late but I simply can't help myself. The shower turned out beautiful......I really wanted to share the pictures with everyone.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Florida Sunsets

yellows, pinks, blues, oranges......a sea of colors painted the sky. That was the sunset last night. It was beautiful. Always different, in its own little way. A different design painted in sky as the diminishing sunlight reflects off the water.

I love the sunset. It attempts to fill up my empty nooks. Brings a peaceful closure to my day. Gives off this romantic glow. Lets Gigi run wildly as she chases the birds' shadows on the glistening wet sand. Helps me relax and spend a few precious moments with Drew.

This one moment of the day lets you exhale all of the days stresses. Release any tensions that has built up. And just lets us soak up the sun's rays as it slowly falls behind the ocean blue backdrop.

Before we know it......we find the beauty that has always been right in front of our eyes. We find comfort in the peaceful end of a day. We soak up the simplicity of nature and take it all in. Drew and I have planned to drink up this moment at least once a week........if you want to join us you are more than welcome!