Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not Free Parking

What makes someone a good neighbor? I mean honestly when you think about it how do you know that you are a good neighbor. Maybe you are considerate, respectful, and kind. But does that qualify you to be good enough? Our "neighbor" (and I put neighbor in quotes because she is only here for a couple months out of the year) lacks all of the above. Mind you we only see her when she migrates south for the winter and for the most part she stays locked in her house. But some how she thinks that Drew and I are the most disrespectful people in the world. She actually said that we are a part of this "ME" Generation.

So to fill you in on the episodes of San Remo, which you can catch daily at 4:00pm; please call your local cable company to find the listing, everything has been going really well. Brad and Drew have designated parking spots and they know not to block my car in. Well, Sunday night Brad came home late from playing cards and parked in a "No Parking Zone" aka our "neighbor's" driveway. Well she is back in town and apparently after she called Drew's phone and rang our door bell, that doesn't work, a thousand times she decided to call a towing company. Drew, being quick on his feet, heard the tow truck and saved the day. However, Brad did have to pay $75.00 just because the guy came to the house. That evening I came home and her and I exchanged a few "nice" words which resulted in me saying that she is snooty and her nose is suck in the air.

That night we all laid on the couch, reliving the day and trying to think of creative ways to get a rise out of our friendly "neighbor". Brad began to dose off and saw a lot of logs and Drew and I went upstairs to go to bed. I woke a little bit later and asked Drew where Brad's car was. He went downstairs to wake up Brad to remind him to move his car from out front to back near the garage. Drew came upstairs and went back to bed.

The next morning Drew woke up to Brad banging on the door and saying, "Dude, my car got towed". Yes, his car did get towed. Needless to say, we have now had to deal with the same tow truck company twice in less than 24 hours. What a GREAT way to begin the week!
Before we know it.....we are $200.00 in the hole and laughing hysterically about a not so funny situation. What more can the winter season bring?


  1. Chanel,
    This is great! You should write a book...I feel like I'm reading an article in some magazine...what a great outlet to vent. I'll keep reading. Hey check your email...I sent you some exciting!
    Love ya, Carlene

  2. Chanelly, Drew and Brad....
    Well guys, those DAMN CONDO CAMANDO'S !!!!
    That's OK, just remember what goes around and around comes back around to bite your ASS !!!!
    It's a great thing you can laugh about these type of things....she (neighbor) is the miserable ONE !!!!

  3. What the F? You want Vin to take care of her? He knows people ;)
