Monday, July 13, 2009

1 year of bliss......

July 12, 2009.
an oh so special day.
our day.

It's been 1 year. I honestly can't believe it. Where did the time go? I mean I feel like it was only yesterday that I was planning, and stressing, and over planning. The day had arrived and honestly it wouldn't have mattered if we didn't have the right green sash for the flower's girl dress, or the center pieces didn't come out right, or if we didn't collect enough sand dollars. It just didn't matter....because we were there together making a promise to each other that nothing really matters expect for the love we have for each other and the love we share with the people we care for. I am so lucky to have a man that truly loves me for who I am. Not for what I could be, but for who I am when I'm sad, happy, grumpy, silly, sick, over the top, frustrated, calm, cranky, and all of the other emotions that sometimes just take over my body. I am a better person when I am with him. I love you Drew and I simply can't wait to grow old with you.

He still:
~makes my tummy flutter like the first time I kissed him
~makes my heart ache when we aren't together
~makes me smile when I look down at my ring
~makes me want him when I know he is staying at work late.
~makes me look forward to him coming home for that "I missed you so much today" kiss
~makes me want to go to bed and quickly wake up on for the first kiss of the day
~makes me so incredibly happy that I can't imagine how I am going to feel in 50 years



  1. Yuppers.....It's confirmed you "Two" we're meant to be together.....Happy Anniversary and many, many more to come with Bliss~
    We Love You Both Very Much....
    Mom & Dad

  2. Chlo,
    Just found your adorable blog through Wylie! Love the stories and pictures! You are a beautiful couple! So much fun hanging out this summer!
