The pages of my journal have not been turned in quite some time.
My thoughts are running wild.
I had every intention to document this most amazing experience.
This experience that I have been oh so blessed to have.
I wanted her to know everything.
I wanted to remember every second of this beautiful experience.
If I could just press that little rewind button and relive the last few months.......I would jot down every little feeling, emotion, sound, ache, pain, sleep, no sleep, cravings, and absent mindedness moments.
I'm 28 weeks this week and she is moving like no other. I love the feeling of her swooshing, flipping, kicking, punching, little body. I love to feel the "wave" of butterflies that flutter throughout my stomach as she dances. I absolutely love the feeling of feeling her move.

Before we know it........the blessing that we receive bring all sorts of feelings. Olivia is a blessing that no one will ever be able to take from me. This experience of carrying a child and the joy that comes with being a home for a sweet little one that will bring so many new experiences when she is ready.